Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies
400 Important Scientific Papers
Summarized for Parents and Researchers

by Neil Z. Miller

Foreword by Gary Goldman, PhD

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      Many people sincerely believe that all vaccines are safe, adverse reactions are rare, and no peer-reviewed scientific studies exist showing that vaccines can cause harm. This book -- Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies -- provides the other side of the story that is not commonly told. It contains summaries of 400 important scientific papers to help parents and researchers enhance their understanding of vaccinations.

What Others Are Saying About This Book:

"This book should be required reading for every doctor, medical student and parent. Reading this book will allow you to make better choices when considering vaccination."
--David Brownstein, MD

"This book is so precise and exciting in addressing the vaccine controversy that I read it in one evening. I recommend this book to any parent who has questions about vaccines and wants to be factually educated to make informed decisions." --Gabriel Cousens, MD

"Neil Miller's book is a tour de force and a clarion voice championing the cautionary principle: 'When in doubt, minimize risk.' Let's talk science. Read this book. The truth will keep you and your children protected." --Bradford S. Weeks, MD

"Nowhere else can one find such an organized and concise compilation of research on vaccines. Not only does Miller have a deep understanding of science and the issues at hand, he has made this book easy to reference and cite. Truly, there is no other guide out there quite like it. For everyone who contacts me in the future seeking scientific evidence about vaccines, I will recommend Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies." --Toni Bark, MD, MHEM, LEED AP, previous Director of the pediatric ER at Michael Reese Hospital

"This is a well-researched work that raises a number of important considerations about our current vaccination practices. Through studies with commentaries, the reader is led on a journey that bypasses the typical myopic view our society has toward vaccines." --Brandon Horn, PhD, JD, LAc, Chief Academic Officer, American University of Complementary Medicine

"Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies is the most comprehensive and coherent accumulation of peer-reviewed research on vaccine issues and natural immunity I have ever come across. A must read for parents, teachers, doctors and other healthcare providers." --Dr. Tyson Perez, pediatric chiropractor


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Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies:
400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers

by Neil Z. Miller
336 pages
Code: MRO $21.95
ISBN: 978-1881217404

More Options:
Learn more about Miller's Review, Volume II (ISBN: 978-1881217442) by Neil Z. Miller.
Learn more about Vaccine Safety Manual (ISBN: 978-1881217374) by Neil Z. Miller.
Learn more about Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? (ISBN: 978-1881217305) by Neil Z. Miller.
Learn more about Make an Informed Vaccine Decision (ISBN: 978-1881217367) by Dr. Mayer Eisenstein.

Visit the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute

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