Miller's Review, Volume II
400 More Scientific Papers
Summarized for Parents and Researchers

by Neil Z. Miller

Foreword by Paul Thomas, MD

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336 Pages / Price: $21.95

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      Many people sincerely believe that all vaccines are safe, adverse reactions are rare, and no peer-reviewed scientific studies exist showing that vaccines can cause harm. This book -- Miller's Review, Volume II -- provides the other side of the story that is not commonly told. It contains summaries of 400 important scientific papers to help parents and researchers enhance their understanding of vaccinations.

What Others Are Saying About This Book:

"Through diligent fact-gathering, Miller provides parents and healthcare providers with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding vaccinations. His latest publication, Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, Volume 2, stands as a monumental achievement deserving widespread recognition and attention.”
--Harry van der Zee, MD

“This book is another invaluable tool for those seeking to learn the truth about vaccines. I’m happy to be able to add it to my list of trustworthy references.”
--Janet Levatin, MD, Former clinical instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

“Neil Miller has done it again! His earlier review of 400 scientific research articles was a priceless gift to all researchers studying the adverse effects of vaccines. Here is Volume 2, summarizing 400 more articles, including 96 on the COVID vaccines alone. For those investigators who want to begin with knowing what’s out there, this is another must-read that covers the whole territory.”
--Richard Moskowitz, MD

“In this magnum opus — Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, Volume 2 — Neil Miller has painstakingly assembled 400 scientific studies demonstrating that vaccines either lack efficacy or cause harm. Each study has been condensed to one page or less making for quick, easy reading. For those of us who are vaccine skeptics, with this book we are now well-armed.”
--Karl Robinson, MD

“Neil Miller’s new book, Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, Volume 2, is a tremendous addition to the incredible material that appeared and was reviewed in the first volume. Everyone, not just parents, should read and study these books before even considering having vaccines.”
--Russell L. Blaylock, MD, Neurosurgeon (retired)

“Neil Miller is one of the truth-tellers amongst us and he has once again brought together the very best vaccine research. He does science a great service in publishing this new volume of the best truth we have. Read, digest and come to your own decisions on the safety of vaccines. Neil Miller gives you this choice.”
--Christopher Exley, PhD, FRSB (Fellowship of the Royal Society of Biology)


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Miller's Review, Volume II
400 More Scientific Papers
Summarized for Parents and Researchers

by Neil Z. Miller
336 pages
Code: MRO2 $21.95
ISBN: 978-1881217442

More Options:
Learn more about Vaccine Safety Manual (ISBN: 978-1881217374) by Neil Z. Miller.
Learn more about Miller's Review (Volume 1) (ISBN: 978-1881217404) by Neil Z. Miller.
Learn more about Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? (ISBN: 978-1881217305) by Neil Z. Miller.

Visit the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute

New Atlantean Press / 505-983-1856 /

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